GARLIC PLANTING GUIDE - Organic Heirloom Gardens
Posted by Organic Heirloom Gardens on Sep 22nd 2018

- Cut off any flower shoots that emerge in spring. These may decrease bulb size.
- Fertilize garlic in the early spring. Compost and other natural fertilizers.
- Fertilize again in May.
- Weed thoroughly.
- Keep Nitrogen levels high.
- Water every 3 to 5 days late in season, starting in May. Slow watering as harvest approaches.
- Use mulch and straw for overwintering in cold areas.
- Remove mulch in spring when new growth appears.
- Garlic is known to keep pests away. It has very few diseases that will affect it.
- White Rot is a fungus that attacks garlic, onions, and other plants in the same family. It happens in the cool months mostly. Rotate your garlic planting areas if this disease appears. It can live in the soil for several years. Till the soil up for sunlight exposure to help kill it.
- Harvest is usually July-August. The sign to look for is yellowing and browning tops.
- Take one or two bulbs out of the soil as a sample.
- Dig plants with fork, do not pull unless your soil is VERY loose.
- Leave yellow/brown top on the bulbs for drying. Put on rack or hang in bundles tied together. Low humidity, high air flow.
- Once the bulbs dry you can cut off the remaining tops and roots. This will prepare them for storage or sale.
- Store bulbs in cool, dry place. No basements, no refrigerators. 38-42 degrees is optimal but even higher temps will work.
- Bulbs can be stored for 1 year and even longer in some cases with ideal conditions.